Towards the end of my time in the #Xena Virtual Season 7, I had less time to illustrate a full ep, so I worked with a team of illustrators, which was a lot of fun. I supplied inspirational references, & made model sheets when needed. This was a 2-parter inspired by season 6’s The God You Know, & the Norse trilogy.
Titled We Who Are About to Die, in which #Xena, Gab, Eve , Hercules, Beowulf & archangel Michael all appear in combat, there were no scenes that weren’t awesome to illustrate. Gab disguises herself as a Nordic queen, & the model sheet I made outlines a simple version of her gold costume. Usually the editorial staff supplies the costume model sheets, but in this case, I needed to design this one, which is roughly similar to Grunhilda’s silver costume in the Norse triligy.