As I mentioned, I am attempting to make this #Xena webcomic as close to canon as possible. But what exactly does that mean? Is this a show that has that kind of organized approach, and even if it does, is it still applicable, 20 years later?
When I first started watching #Xena, I heard that the show had no story bible, that there was no real canon to speak of, & there were an abundance of quotes indicating that the writers made it up as they went. The show’s abrupt tonal shifts seemed to support this.
This was not an issue for most, for a number of reasons. This was an appealing action/adventure show, introducing a new iconic female hero, great characters, & a ground-breaking show in its depiction of a same-sex relationship.
Who cares about canon, when you’ve got all that? I agree! I myself thought the show was a mess, until the 6th season. “Path of Vengeance” (Eve’s last ep) was the 1st indication to me that the show was much more organized than I guessed. The series finale sealed it for me.
They obviously knew what they were doing. I needed to rewatch it to figure it out! I haven’t stopped, since 2001. Since then, I’ve heard about the need for a #Xena sequel to “fix” the series ending. Rob has recently said he doesn’t think anything needs fixing, & I agree.
But I agree with Lucy that it needs reviving. How do you do that without “fixing” the finale? As I see it: accept that everything on the show is canon. It all happened, & it all counts. Same for #HerculesTheLegendaryJourneys, and #YoungHercules , too.
Will I succeed at this? I’m not sure. For an outsider, it’s sort of like resurrecting a dead language. You give it your best shot, by using everything you have, & incorporating everything you know. It’ll be fun to try, & it’s an extension of the fan experience, as I see it.
It’s all part of the #Xena Cinematic Universe, so embrace it all with a full heart! So lets talk this week about what canon means for this show, and how to build on it, and retain its magic. There’s no magic formulas other than accepting the show for what it is.