Continuing yesterday’s post: I’ll be posting links to YouTube videos as often as possible because in some cases, their visual content will be relevant, especially in cases where the video’s images are iconic. I’ll be creating my own videos as well, for a number of reasons.
I’ll be creating drawing videos paired with music taken from my alternate soundtrack. I drew inspiration from a number of songs for each chapter. For example, the chapters dealing with flashbacks to Livia’s schooldays were written with multiple soundtracks.
Her backstory required layers of moods to capture properly. In some cases, I actually preferred my alternate track, but the lyrics didn’t totally fit, or couldn’t be rewritten without changes to the song’s character, but it set the right tone for the scene in my mind.
I’ll be providing text commentary to discuss each chapter, but I realize that may not work for all folks, so for key chapters, I plan to create shorter video commentary. These will have less detail, but given my “tldr” tendencies, less may be more for some!
My first planned video will be for the first #Xena musical, “The Bitter Suite.” The web has a lot of great resources for it, but I have updated insights that will fill in key gaps on our understanding of it, such as identifying missing Tarot cards, etc.
I’ll also be working on a music video for the project as a whole, hopefully ready by the fall. It will provide a glimpse of the entire project, & time permitting, I plan to include some animation for key moments.
Once this site gets well underway, my hope is to include interviews with various folks related to this project. That depends on availability, & whether I have the courage to pull that off, but mostly, I’m guessing, on my project’s credibility. We’ll see how that goes!
I did think about setting up a podcast commentary for this project, but visuals are key to it. I’d rather spend 5 minutes showing you, with voice-over, than much longer describing it to you. Given the length of this project, that’s a lot of podcasting!